Public Library of Science
pone.0255925.s003.tif (746.5 kB)

Lineweaver-Burk (A, C, E, G) and reciprocal of the quotient velocity (B, D, F, H) plots.

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posted on 2021-08-13, 17:35 authored by Janine Hofmann, Mebratu A. Bitew, Miku Kuba, David P. De Souza, Hayley J. Newton, Fiona M. Sansom

GST-CBU1241 in relation to OAA (A and B) from Michaelis-Menten data presented in Fig 4A. 6xHis-CBU0823 in relation to malate (C and D) from Michaelis-Menten data presented in Fig 6A, to NAD+ (E and F) from Michaelis-Menten data presented in Fig 6B, and to MnCl2 (G and H) from Michaelis-Menten data presented in Fig 6C. Error bars represent standard deviation around the mean from at least three independent experiments.

