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pone.0253843.g003.tif (537.3 kB)

Linear regression analysis of CFR*crudetimecorrected(70+), CFR*crudetimecorrected(70+)A, and CFR*crudetimecorrected(069) versus percent of cases 70 years old and above (p(70+)).

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posted on 2021-08-18, 17:25 authored by Jessica E. Rothman, David Eidelberg, Samantha L. Rothman, Theodore R. Holford, Douglas L. Rothman

A shows a plot of CFR*crudetimecorrected(70+) (blue) and CFRcrudetimecorrected(069) (green) for each country versus the percent of cases 70 years old and above (p(70+)). It is seen that for all countries the CFRcrudetimecorrected(70) term explains the large majority of CFRcrudetimecorrected (81% +/- 8%). The majority of the variance in CFRcrudetimecorrected(70) is explained by cases 70 years old and above (R2 = 0.82). B shows a plot of CFRcrudetimecorrected(70+A) (blue) for each country. The value of cCFR70+A for each country was calculated by adjusting the fraction of cases in the 70 and over group who are 80 years old and above to be 40% (p(80+)/p(70+) = 0.40), which is the mean of the countries examined (Table 3). The higher fraction of the variance explained by age for CFRcrudetimecorrected(70+A) (R2 = 0.89) indicates that the percentage of the population 80 years and older are an important factor in determining the average population value of CFRcrude.
