Public Library of Science
pone.0262806.g003.tif (1.96 MB)

Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) effect size (LEfSe) analysis of otitis microbiota changes due to health context of the patient.

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posted on 2022-01-24, 18:35 authored by Maria Burton, Janina A. Krumbeck, Guangxi Wu, Shuiquan Tang, Aishani Prem, Aditya K. Gupta, Thomas L. Dawson Jr

Panels highlight taxa significantly different between groups at the phylum to genus level (A, C) and at the species level (B, D) for bacteria (A, B) and fungi (C, D), respectively. Cladograms: Regions in red indicate taxa that are significantly enriched in the healthy group, regions in green represent taxa enriched in the otitis externa group (OE), and regions in blue taxa that are significantly enriched in the otitis media (OM) group. Nods colored in yellow are not significantly different between groups. Each ring represents a taxonomic level, with the phylum level on the outside and the genus level in the innermost ring. Bar graphs: Shown are those species that were significantly different between groups with their relative abundances and frequencies for each group. To visualize the results, the average abundance of each significant species was used for the subset of the samples that had the species present. For readability of the figure, only the species that represented at least 5% of the bacterial or fungal microbiome, respectively are shown.
