Public Library of Science
pone.0251216.g002.tif (225.8 kB)

Investigation for ADAMTS13 in 45 patients with HLH.

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posted on 2021-08-03, 17:40 authored by Sandrine Valade, Bérangère S. Joly, Agnès Veyradier, Jehane Fadlallah, Lara Zafrani, Virginie Lemiale, Amélie Launois, Alain Stepanian, Lionel Galicier, Claire Fieschi, Adrien Mirouse, Jean Jacques Tudesq, Anne-Claire Lepretre, Elie Azoulay, Michael Darmon, Eric Mariotte

(A) Each patient is represented by an icon; ADAMTS13 activity and ADAMTS13 antigen levels are represented in the same graph; the upper limit of normal ranges are represented as red lines; medians and IQR are represented as black lines. (B) Correlation curve between ADAMTS13 activity and ADAMTS13 antigen.
