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Institutional level co-authorship networks based on coastal artisanal fisheries articles for the twenty most productive countries based in a sample of 661 articles.

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posted on 2016-03-04, 07:27 authored by José Gilmar C. Oliveira Júnior, Luana P. S. Silva, Ana C. M. Malhado, Vandick S. Batista, Nidia N. Fabré, Richard J. Ladle

Results for three study periods: A) 1973–2004, B) 2005–2009, C) 2010–2014. Circle size represents the number of articles with at least one author from a particular country. Line weight represents the number of interactions (shared authorships) between two countries. Centrality (betweeness) is determined by the fraction of all directed paths between any two vertices that pass through a node; closeness (distance of one vertex to others) depends on inverse distance to other vertices. Acronyms: Aix Marseille—Aix-Marseille University (France); AUTh—Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece); AZTI—AZTI-Tecnalia (Spain); CSIC—Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Spain); CNR—Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Italy); Duke—Duke University (USA); HCMR—Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (Greece); IFREMER—Institut français de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer (France); INVEMAR—Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras (Colombia); IPN—Instituto Politécnico Nacional (Mexico); JCU—James Cook University (Australia); McGill—McGill University (Canada); MUN—Memorial University of Newfoundland (Canada); NOOA Fish—National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (USA); UC—Pontifica Universidade Catolica do Chile; Stockholm Unv—Stockholm University (Sweeden); UAlg—Universidade do Algarve (Portugal); UNICAMP–Universidade Federal de Campinas (Brazil); UFSC—Universidade Federal de Santa Catararina (Brazil); UFSCar–Universidade Federal de São Carlos (Brazil); USP—Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Brazil); FURG—Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (Brazil); UFRGS—Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil); UBC—University British Columbia (Canada); UCSD—University of California, San Diego (USA); UEA—University of East Anglia (UK); Unv Exeter—University of Exeter (England); Unv Manitoba -University of Manitoba (Canada); Unv Montpellier–University of Montpellier (France); Unv Patras—University of Patras (Greece); WCS—Wildlife Conservation Society (Kenya); ZSL—Zoological Society of London (England); WFish–World Fisheries (Worldwide).


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