Public Library of Science

Increased frequency of NK and T cells expressing Ki67 in the ART + SIV RhmAbs + N-803 group.

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posted on 2025-01-10, 20:20 authored by Omotayo Farinre, Tzoalli Anaya, Alexis C. King, Kedan Endrias, Anne H. Hébert, Alison L. Hill, Sherrie Jean, Jennifer S. Wood, Stephanie Ehnert, Shan Liang, Gregory M. Laird, Rosemarie D. Mason, Mario Roederer, Jeffrey T. Safrit, Maud Mavigner, Ann Chahroudi

Frequency of NK cells (A), CD8+ T cells (B), and CD4+ T cells (C) expressing intracellular Ki67 measured by whole blood flow cytometry. Frequencies were compared at baseline (day 0) and day 4 after receipt of ART + SIVRhmAbs + N-803. Individual data points are plotted with mean and SD shown. Statistical analysis was performed using a paired Student’s t-test. (D-F) Frequency of peripheral blood NK cells (D), CD8+ T cells (E), and CD4+ T cells (F) expressing intracellular Ki67 were compared across groups in the first week after ART +/- SIV RhmAbs +/- N-803 administration. Individual data points are plotted with mean and SD shown. Statistical analysis was performed using the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test with multiple comparisons to assess for differences across groups. ns = not significant; p > 0.05.
