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In vivo cetuximab sensitivity assay revealed diverse effect on 10 CTOS-derived xenogfrafts.

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posted on 2017-03-16, 18:31 authored by Takahiro Tashiro, Hiroaki Okuyama, Hiroko Endo, Kenji Kawada, Yasuko Ashida, Masayuki Ohue, Yoshiharu Sakai, Masahiro Inoue

A, Growth curves of subcutaneous tumors originating from colorectal CTOS lines. Blue, treated with vehicle; orange, cetuximab (20 mg/kg); green, cetuximab (60 mg/kg). Mean±SD is shown. N = 4–6 in each treated group. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001; 60 mg/kg cetuximab versus control; two-way ANOVA with Bonferroni post-test. Regression, partially responsive, and resistant are explained in the text. The type of KRAS mutant is indicated in superscript to the left of the line name. B, Microscopic images of vehicle-treated xenografts in A stained with EGFR antibody. Scale bar, 50 μm. Grading by staining intensity is shown. C, Waterfall plot of cetuximab-treated tumor growth (differences from baseline). The average sizes of cetuximab (60 mg/kg) treated tumors at day 21 were subtracted by the sizes at day 0 and the ratio compared to the average sizes at day 0 as follows: (VCmab (day 21)—VCmab (day 0))/ VCmab (day 0) x 100. Red bars, wildtype KRAS tumors; blue, KRAS mutants. D, Growth reduction from control (vehicle treated) tumors. The average sizes of vehicle-treated tumors at day 11 were subtracted by the sizes of tumors treated with cetuximab (60 mg/kg) and the ratio compared to the average sizes at day 11 as follows: (Vvehicle(day 11)- VCmab(day 11))/ Vvehicle(day 11) x 100.
