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Impact of chronic sexual abuse and depression on inflammation and wound healing in the female reproductive tract of HIV-uninfected and HIV-infected women - Fig 3

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posted on 2018-06-12, 17:35 authored by Mimi Ghosh, Jason Daniels, Maria Pyra, Monika Juzumaite, Mariel Jais, Kerry Murphy, Tonya N. Taylor, Seble Kassaye, Lorie Benning, Mardge Cohen, Kathleen Weber

Heat map of Spearman’s coefficients for HIV-uninfected (A) and HIV-infected (B) samples stratified by abuse and depression status. Distinct associative patterns were observed among (A i-iv) HIV negative Control, Depression, Abuse, Abuse+Depression as well as (B i-iv) HIV-infected Controls, Depression, Abuse and Abuse+Depression. Each cell of the heat map denotes the Spearman correlation coefficients. Cells highlighted in shades of RED indicates a positive association with darker shades representing stronger associations. Similarly, cells highlighted in shades of BLUE indicates a negative association with darker shades representing stronger associations. Statistically significant (p<0.05) associations are denoted in BOLD. Missing numbers (white) indicate there was no variation within that subgroup usually due to undetectable values, therefore the correlation coefficient could not be calculated. Boxed-in sections highlight clustering patterns.
