Public Library of Science
pone.0229892.g002.tif (1.77 MB)

Immunocytochemical analysis of the localization of neuronal marker proteins.

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posted on 2020-03-31, 17:26 authored by Rei Nakano, Taku Kitanaka, Shinichi Namba, Nanako Kitanaka, Masaki Sato, Yoshiyuki Shibukawa, Yoshikazu Masuhiro, Koichiro Kano, Taro Matsumoto, Hiroshi Sugiya

Representative images and fluorescence intensity of the cellular localization of NF-H (A and B), Ascl1 (C and D), and NeuroD2 (E and F) of DFATs (n = 10 cells, random selected ×20 fields from triplicate samples), with (upper panels) or without (control; lower panels) ATRA treatment after 0, 14, and 28 days. Data are shown as the mean ± standard error of three independent experiments. *P < 0.05, compared with 0 day.
