Public Library of Science
pone.0204305.g003.tif (589 kB)

Histomorphometry and imaging profile of the carotid artery.

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posted on 2018-10-10, 20:10 authored by Robert Seifert, Michael T. Kuhlmann, Sarah Eligehausen, Friedemann Kiefer, Sven Hermann, Michael Schäfers

Schematic drawing of the right CCA’s longitudinal section with cuff-induced plaque formation upstream (US) and downstream (DS). Modified from [9]. Mean profiles of the vessel size (A), lumen size (B) and plaque size (C) of the left CCA are shown highlighting the narrowed lumen US due to plaque formation. Mean in situ profile of the P/B (plaque-to-background) ratio from FRI images 3 h post injection of Cy5.5-AF443 alongside the right CCA (D). Average US, cuff and DS plaque size showing the significant larger plaque size US compared to DS and the cuff region (E).
