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Histological features of liver fibrosis.

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posted on 2016-10-28, 17:30 authored by Benoit Lacoste, Valérie-Ann Raymond, Pascal Lapierre, Marc Bilodeau

Masson’s trichrome stained livers from Foxn1 nu/nu mice (top) receiving (A) normal drinking water, (B) TAA drinking water [0.02%] for 4 weeks, (C) 8 weeks, (D) 12 weeks, (E) 16 weeks, (F) 2 and (G) 3 weeks of recovery after the 16 week treatment and from BALB/c mice (bottom) IP injected with (H) saline, (I) TAA [200 μg/g bw] for 12 weeks and (J) 2 weeks of recovery following the 12 week TAA treatment. Pictures were obtained at a 100X magnification. Arrows indicate fibrotic septae.
