Public Library of Science
pone.0219517.g002.tif (5.69 MB)

Histological analysis of orthotopic HCC mouse tumors.

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posted on 2019-07-10, 17:49 authored by Carina Hage, Sabine Hoves, Mailin Ashoff, Veronika Schandl, Stefan Hört, Natascha Rieder, Christian Heichinger, Marco Berrera, Carola H. Ries, Fabian Kiessling, Thomas Pöschinger

HepCell tumors (day 21), HepFrag tumors (day 28) and iAST tumors (day 56) were stained for: A, morphology (H&E); B, tumor stroma (FAP); C, proliferation (Ki67); D, immune cells (CD45); E, macrophages (F4/80); F, Kupffer cells (Clec4f); G, CD4+ T cells (CD4); H, CD8+ T cells (CD8) and I, tumor vasculature (CD31). E,F, Dashed lines in the images of F4/80 and Clec4F stainings indicate the border between vital liver (VL) and tumor (T). I, CD31 signal quantification (n = 5) indicates significantly higher tumor vessel density in iAST compared to Hep tumors. In the scatter plot, each dot represents the average of 5 images per tumor. Differences between groups were tested for significance using the one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey multiple comparison test (***p<0.001).
