Public Library of Science
pone.0185915.g005.tif (607.54 kB)

Heat map of abundance changes of proteins associated with cardiovascular diseases.

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posted on 2017-10-03, 17:44 authored by Julia Rüdebusch, Alexander Benkner, Axel Poesch, Marcus Dörr, Uwe Völker, Karina Grube, Elke Hammer, Stephan B. Felix

Ratios (TAC/sham) of proteins in left (LV) and right ventricle (RV) with a ≥2 fold change on at least one examined time point. The changes of common HF markers like ANF (ANP), MYH7 (β-MHC) and ACTS (α-actin) were markedly higher in LV than in RV especially at the early time points. After 56 days in both ventricles comparable alterations regarding these proteins were observed. ECM (extracellular membrane), n.d. (not detected) * Labeling as exported from Rosetta Elucidator® package.
