Public Library of Science
pone.0200757.g005.tif (3.75 MB)

Glucosamine (GlcN) Triggers Nuclear Translocation of Phosphorylated ERK.

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posted on 2018-07-17, 17:38 authored by Janja Božič, Veronika Stoka, Iztok Dolenc

(A) Representative images of phospho-ERK (green) expression in NK-92 cells treated with either GlcN and IL2 or IL2 alone. DAPI was used to stain the NK-92 cell nuclei. The merged image shows the overlapping DAPI and phospho-ERK signals. (B) Ratios of the nuclear and cytoplasmic concentrations of p-ERK in the GlcN-treated and untreated NK-92 cells. Sixty individual cells were analyzed in three independent microscopic slides. (C) Imunoblot shows the amount of p-ERK in the nuclei and cytoplasm of control and IL-2 activated (for 60 minutes) cells, treated with GlcN or left untreated. Histone H3 and GAPDH are showing that nuclear and cytosolic fractions were clear.
