Public Library of Science
pone.0200757.g003.tif (2.58 MB)

Glucosamine (GlcN) Prevents Lytic Granule Polarization in NK Cells.

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posted on 2018-07-17, 17:38 authored by Janja Božič, Veronika Stoka, Iztok Dolenc

(A) Polarization of granules expressing perforin (green) in the NK-92 and K562 cell conjugates, in presence or absence of GlcN (upper panels). Representative images of at least 60 NK-92/K562 conjugates are shown. Polarization of granules expressing perforin (green) in the mouse primary NK cell and 4T1 cell conjugates, in presence or absence of GlcN (lower panels). Representative images of at least 20 NK/4T1 conjugates are presented. Conjugates were considered polarized when the perforin signal was located in the quarter of the NK cell nearest to the target cell (merged image). Right, bright-filter images, for detection of the conjugates. (B) Distribution analysis, showing the percentage of NK-92 and K562 conjugates with polarized lytic granules in the untreated and GlcN-treated cells. (C) Western blots of NK-92 cell lysates untreated and treated with GlcN, showing the amount of perforin.
