Public Library of Science
pone.0253912.g002.tif (718.31 kB)

Generation of protein kinase C delta (PKCδ)-deficient mice.

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posted on 2021-07-01, 17:36 authored by Yuko S. Niino, Ikuo Kawashima, Yoshinobu Iguchi, Hiroaki Kanda, Kiyoshi Ogura, Kaoru Mita-Yoshida, Tomio Ono, Maya Yamazaki, Kenji Sakimura, Satomi Yogosawa, Kiyotsugu Yoshida, Seiji Shioda, Takaya Gotoh

(A) Schematic representation of murine Prkcd genes, targeting vectors, targeted allele, and knockout allele. Numbers denote the exon numbers, and light blue boxes denote 5ʹ- and 3ʹ- probes for Southern blotting. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers for genotyping are indicated by arrows. Red letters E and B represent EcoRI and BamHI, respectively. Dashed line indicates vector sequence. (B) Southern blotting using genomic DNA of wild type (WT) and flox+/flox+ mouse. DNA digested using EcoRI was used for 5′-probes and shows sizes of 10.3 KB for WT and 8.3 kb for flox+/flox+ mice. DNA digested using BamHI was used for 3′-probes and shows sizes of 16.6 kb for WT and 15.4 kb for flox+/flox+ mice. (C) Genotypic analysis by PCR. PCR analysis was performed using genomic DNA extracted from 4-week-old mice tails and the amniotic membranes of fetuses. WT shows bands of 1078 bp, KO of 315 bp, and He of both 1078 and 315 bp.
