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GABAAR subunits colocalise with MPP2 in a subset of dendritic spines.

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posted on 2022-03-21, 17:37 authored by Bettina Schmerl, Niclas Gimber, Benno Kuropka, Alexander Stumpf, Jakob Rentsch, Stella-Amrei Kunde, Judith von Sivers, Helge Ewers, Dietmar Schmitz, Christian Freund, Jan Schmoranzer, Nils Rademacher, Sarah A. Shoichet

Primary E18 rat hippocampal neurons were fixed at DIV21 and immunostained for the endogenous proteins MAP2 (microtubule-associated protein 2, grey), MPP2 (cyan), and Homer1 (yellow) together with either (a) GABAAR α1, (b) GABAAR α2, or (c) GABAAR β2/3 (all magenta) using respective primary and Alexa fluorophore-coupled secondary antibodies, and visualised by confocal microscopy. (i) Maximum projected overview of primary to secondary dendrite branches. Box indicates location of detail image in ii. Scale bar: 10 μm. (ii) Maximum projection composite of 4-colour confocal immunofluorescence image of a primary to secondary dendrite branch point of a mature (DIV21) hippocampal neuron. MPP2 is located in the majority of dendritic spines marked with Homer1, while GABAAR subunits colocalise with a subset of these spines. Additionally, solely GABAAR α1-, α2- or β2/3- positive puncta likely represent inhibitory synapses at the dendrite. Box indicates location of detail image in iii. Scale bar: 5 μm. (iii) Enlarged single plane image with corresponding orthogonal views of a dendritic spine exhibiting immunofluorescence staining for Homer1, MPP2, and GABAAR α1, α2 or β2/3, respectively. Scale bar: 1 μm. (iv) Quantification of the fraction of excitatory synapses marked by Homer1, which also show MPP2 expression together with GABAAR α1, α2, or β2/3 immunofluorescence. Please see Materials and methods for details. (mean ± SD; n = 16–31 images from N = 3 to 4 independent experiments). Underlying data can be found in S2 Data. DIV, days in vitro; GABA, γ-aminobutyric acid; MPP2, membrane protein palmitoylated 2.
