Public Library of Science
pone.0241825.g001.tif (260.55 kB)

Flow diagram of VACO Index cohort selection.

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posted on 2020-11-11, 18:39 authored by Joseph T. King Jr., James S. Yoon, Christopher T. Rentsch, Janet P. Tate, Lesley S. Park, Farah Kidwai-Khan, Melissa Skanderson, Ronald G. Hauser, Daniel A. Jacobson, Joseph Erdos, Kelly Cho, Rachel Ramoni, David R. Gagnon, Amy C. Justice

Flow diagram showing selection of VACO Index cohorts from 5,834,543 patients active in VA care as of January 1, 2020. All COVID-19 tests were performed in the VA. Patients with COVID-19 tests after July 18, 2020 did not have 30 days of follow-up and were excluded from the analysis.
