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pntd.0005823.g001.tif (387.16 kB)

Extracellular levels of granzyme A and B in patients with typhoid fever and healthy controls, and correlation with IFN- γ levels.

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posted on 2017-07-27, 18:13 authored by Hanna K. de Jong, Maria Isabel Garcia-Laorden, Arie J. Hoogendijk, Christopher M. Parry, Rapeephan R. Maude, Arjen M. Dondorp, Mohammed Abul Faiz, Tom van der Poll, Willem Joost Wiersinga

Plasma levels of granzyme A (A) and B (B) measured in healthy controls (n = 38) compared to admission samples of hospitalized typhoid fever patients (n = 28). Medians are shown. Significance determined via Mann-Whitney U tests. ***P<0.001. Granzyme A is correlated to granzyme B (C). Levels of granzyme A (D) and granzyme B (E) are correlated to interferon (IFN)-γ in patients. Correlation coefficient reported is for Spearman's Rho. Gzm: granzyme.
