Public Library of Science
pone.0209417.g005.tif (1.63 MB)

Expression of FOXL2 is not altered in TGFBR1CA flox/flox; PgrCre/+ uterus.

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posted on 2018-12-14, 18:45 authored by Nan Ni, Yang Gao, Xin Fang, Maria Melgar, David F. Vincent, John P. Lydon, Laurent Bartholin, Qinglei Li

(A) Real-time PCR analysis of Foxl2, Cd10 and Vim in the uteri of control and TGFBR1CA flox/flox; PgrCre/+ mice at D7 and D15. n = 4–5. Rpl19 was used as internal control. Data are means ± SEM, Ns, not significant. ***P < 0.001. (B and C) Immunofluorescence of FOXL2 in control and TGFBR1CA flox/flox; PgrCre/+ uteri. (D and E) Negative controls where FOXL2 antibody was replaced by isotype-matched IgG. (F and G) Positive controls using wild type ovaries. Scale bar is representatively shown in (B) and equals 20 μm (B-G).
