Public Library of Science
pone.0200783.g001.tif (1.35 MB)

Exogenous transgene and endogenous retroviruses are upregulated in Met/Cys-deprived HeLa cells.

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posted on 2018-07-18, 17:45 authored by Annarosaria De Vito, Massimo Lazzaro, Ilaria Palmisano, Davide Cittaro, Michela Riba, Dejan Lazarevic, Makoto Bannai, Davide Gabellini, Maria Vittoria Schiaffino

(A,B) Exogenous integrated transgene (OA1) mRNA abundance in HeLa-OA1 cells, cultured in Met/Cys-deprived medium for the indicated time points, and analyzed by RNAseq (A), or RT-qPCR (B), compared to full medium. Data represent RPKM (A), or mean ± SD of 2 technical replicates, expressed as fold change vs. control (full medium at 6 h = 1) (B). (C) Clustering of 172 genomic repeat subfamilies, differentially expressed upon starvation, according to their expression profile. (D) Class distribution of repeat subfamilies belonging to differential expression clusters, compared to all genomic repeat subfamilies (first column). Class DNA includes DNA transposons; SINE includes Alu; LINE includes L1 an L2; LTR includes endogenous retroviruses and solitary LTRs; Satellite includes centromeric acrosomal and telomeric satellites; Others includes SVA, simple repeats, snRNA, and tRNAs. LTR-retroelements are significantly enriched among repeats that are upregulated upon starvation, while LINEs are significantly enriched among repeats that are downregulated. *P<0.05, ***P<0.001 (Fisher exact test).
