Public Library of Science
pone.0207288.g002.tif (1.28 MB)

Examples of the site of venous measurements before (baseline) and after panretinal photocoagulation (Post PRP) and the waveforms of the blood velocity for the veins in before and after PRP eyes.

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posted on 2018-11-08, 19:06 authored by Youngseok Song, Tomofumi Tani, Tsuneaki Omae, Akihiro Ishibazawa, Takafumi Yoshioka, Kengo Takahashi, Masahiro Akiba, Akitoshi Yoshida

The green bars indicate the inferotemporal (IT) vein, superotemporal (ST) vein, inferonasal (IN) vein, and superonasal (SN) vein. Each waveform of the veins were acquired by Doppler OCT flowmeter. The vertical lines indicate the retinal blood velocity (mm/sec) and the horizontal lines indicate time (sec). Before PRP, before starting PRP; After PRP, four weeks after completing PRP.
