Public Library of Science
pone.0262291.g004.tif (7.02 MB)

Examples of histopathology slides.

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posted on 2022-01-27, 18:53 authored by François Destrempes, Marc Gesnik, Boris Chayer, Marie-Hélène Roy-Cardinal, Damien Olivié, Jeanne-Marie Giard, Giada Sebastiani, Bich N. Nguyen, Guy Cloutier, An Tang

Hematoxylin and eosin-stained images (10x magnification) in 4 different patients corresponding to those shown in Fig 1 above: (A) steatosis grade S0, (B) steatosis grade S1, (C) steatosis grade S2, and (D) steatosis grade S3. Representative vacuoles of macrovesicular steatosis are indicated by arrows.
