Public Library of Science
Fig 4.TIF (1.38 MB)

Examples of EMG and pupil size recordings.

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posted on 2016-02-26, 09:50 authored by Vincenzo De Cicco, Massimo Barresi, Maria Paola Tramonti Fantozzi, Enrico Cataldo, Vincenzo Parisi, Diego Manzoni

A. EMG activity recorded from left and right masseters in a given subject, without crown positioned and with the arches in contact (CROWN OFF). The vertical lines are calibration bars corresponding to the signal amplitude in μV. B. Recordings of pupil size in basal condition. Note that the left-right difference in pupil size is -0.95 mm. C. Recordings of pupil size during task performance (Tan Gram). Note that the left-right difference in pupil size was reduced to only 0.11 mm.
