Public Library of Science
pone.0250219.s003.tif (1.91 MB)

Example spectrograms across twelve scored vocalization categories.

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posted on 2021-04-21, 17:51 authored by Navdeep K. Lidhar, Ayushi Thakur, Anna-Julia David, Kaori Takehara-Nishiuchi, Nathan Insel

Panels show example syllables, with spectral frequencies (y-axis) over time (x-axis) plotted with darker colors reflecting stronger amplitudes. Axes vary across panels: whistle, chirp, chitter, groan, low whistle, tweet, and whines are plotted up to 8000 Hz (y-axis), while chaff, loud whistle, squeal, and warble are plotted up to 20,000 Hz. Variation of y- and y-axes is also illustrated by the blue bars in the lower-left hand corner of each plot (vertical bars indicate frequencies up to 4000, horizontal indicate 200 ms of time), and amplitude strengths with right-side colorbars. Box outlines in the center of each plot indicate the specific syllable classified—time outside of the box is provided for context. Panels in the upper-right show a map syllables in an abstract, two-dimensional projection (using t-SNE, see also S4 Fig), with all recorded syllables across experiments labeled in gray, and the syllable plotted within the box of the spectrogram identified with a red asterisk. Two syllable categories, barks and grunts are not included because post-hoc examination revealed the syllables were typically misclassified; “mixed” category syllables are also not shown due to the inherent diversity of the category. Black streak in the center of the “whine” example syllable represents background noise.

