Public Library of Science

Evaluation of sialidase NEU3 effect on cell viability with or without gefitinib.

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posted on 2017-10-31, 17:47 authored by Matilde Forcella, Monica Oldani, Samantha Epistolio, Stefania Freguia, Eugenio Monti, Paola Fusi, Milo Frattini

MTT test was performed on HSAEC1, HCC4006 and H1734 cell lines transfected with either the empty vector (mock) or pcDNA3.1-HsNEU3 and then treated or not with 27 nM or 1 μM gefitinib for 36 h post-transfection. Data were normalized on control cells transfected with the empty vector (A). Cell viabilities of mock and NEU3 transfected cells are reported after treatment with either 27 nM (B) or 1 μM gefitinib (C). Data were normalized on control cells without drug. Values are presented as means ± standard error (SE).
