Public Library of Science
pone.0204527.g007.tif (263.38 kB)

Evaluating differences in vocal signals emitted by males and females in specific contexts.

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posted on 2018-09-21, 17:42 authored by Megan R. Warren, Morgan S. Spurrier, Eric D. Roth, Joshua P. Neunuebel

Cumulative density and box plots denote signals emitted by males (blue) or females (orange) in distinct behavioral contexts. Bandwidths of vocal signals emitted when animals were not close to each other (A), an animal was in front of another animal (B), or an animal was behind another animal (C). Slopes of signals emitted when animals were not close to each other (D), an animal was in front of another animal (E), or an animal was behind another animal (F). Statistical analyses were conducted using Mann-Whitney U-tests. ** = p < 0.01.
