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Enrichment of differentially expressed gene signatures in Hallmark functional annotation categories.

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posted on 2016-10-27, 17:30 authored by Roman Kosoy, Charuta Agashe, Alexander Grishin, Donald Y. Leung, Robert A. Wood, Scott H. Sicherer, Stacie M. Jones, A. Wesley Burks, Wendy F. Davidson, Robert W. Lindblad, Peter Dawson, Miriam Merad, Brian A. Kidd, Joel T. Dudley, Hugh A. Sampson, M. Cecilia Berin

Enrichment of selected DEG signatures (top 200 by FC from top 500 by p-values) in Hallmark functional categories, with the color intensity indicating–log10 of the BH adjusted p-value and the values are odds ratios from Fisher’s exact tests. The left 3 signatures indicate EW vs. M for each clinical group, while the right 3 signatures indicate the difference in differential (EW vs. M) gene expression between groups. The color indicates whether the genes in the signature were up-regulated (red) or down-regulated (blue). Hallmark categories with at least a single enrichment with BH adjusted p-value ≤ 0.05 (out of total of 50) are shown, clustered according to the similarity of the enrichment pattern. Colored text highlights significant associations with the matching DEG signature.
