Public Library of Science
pone.0297884.s003.tif (811.12 kB)

Effect of tissue cryopreservation on the expression of phenotype markers in CD3 T cells.

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posted on 2024-03-01, 18:26 authored by Omar Almomani, James Nnamutete, Zhongtian Shao, Victoria Menya Biribawa, HenryRoger Ssemunywa, Annemarie Namuniina, Brenda Okech, Sofya Ulanova, David Zuanazzi, Cindy M. Liu, Aaron A. R. Tobian, Ronald M. Galiwango, Rupert Kaul, Jessica L. Prodger

Effect of tissue cryopreservation on the expression of phenotype markers in CD3 T cells.
