Public Library of Science
pone.0249282.s001.tif (729.69 kB)

Effect of LDA on miR-155 and miR-223 expression in gastric mucosa in subgroups dependent on H. pylori status.

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posted on 2021-04-15, 17:48 authored by Riccardo Vasapolli, Marino Venerito, Wiebke Schirrmeister, Cosima Thon, Jochen Weigt, Thomas Wex, Peter Malfertheiner, Alexander Link

Time- and H. pylori-dependent patterns of (A-C) miR-155 and (D-F) miR-223 expression in gastric antral mucosa of healthy subjects (n = 29). (A and D) show the H. pylori negative subjects, (B and E) show the results in H. pylori positive subjects. (C and F) show the results of 9 subjects from H. pylori positive group 3 months after H. pylori eradication. MiRNA expression levels are shown as 2ΔdCT-values normalized to RNU6b and data are shown as box-plots where the horizontal line marks the median value.

