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pone.0199861.g006.tif (138.9 kB)

Effect of DA neurons and Meth stimulation on innate immune CCR5 transcription.

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posted on 2018-06-26, 17:33 authored by Liana Basova, Julia A. Najera, Nikki Bortell, Di Wang, Rosita Moya, Alexander Lindsey, Svetlana Semenova, Ronald J. Ellis, Maria Cecilia Garibaldi Marcondes

CCR5 gene transcription was examined in THP1 macrophages, treated with Meth or DA (1 uM), or co-cultured with SH-Sy5Y DA neurons, with or without a 1 hour pre-stimulation with Meth (60uM). Results normalized to the expression of GAPDH, represent the average ± SD of 2 experiments performed in quadruplicate. *p<0.05 in Bonferroni’s post hoc test.
