Public Library of Science
pgen.1006931.g002.tif (1.86 MB)

Editing sites at lower temperatures are edited more frequently and are more commonly flanked by complementary sequences.

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posted on 2017-07-26, 17:56 authored by Ilana Buchumenski, Osnat Bartok, Reut Ashwal-Fluss, Varun Pandey, Hagit T. Porath, Erez Y. Levanon, Sebastian Kadener

(A) Mean conservation (PhastCons) score of hyper-edited sites. Position 0 indicates the position of editing site. Blue line denotes conservation mean for editing sites supported by more than one event, red line denoted conservation mean for editing sites supported by only one event, and black line represents background conservation of chosen randomly adenosines. Left figure represents all genome wide hyper-editing sites, while the right figure represents hyper-editing sites in coding regions (CDS). The information from the non-hyper-edited reads was included. (B) RNA secondary structure prediction using BLAST[50] tool (see Methods). Blue bars donate for predicted dsRNA structure involving the hyper-editing site, as we succeeded to match the editing regions with their anti-sense sequence. Red bars denote for matches found in the sense sequence, representing the control. Green bars denote for predicted dsRNA structure involving the hyper-editing site after converting the adenosine (A) to its edited form, guanosine (G). Violet bars represents the control for the converted adenosines. (C) Genomic locations of detected hyper-editing sites show increase in the number of exonic sites at 29°C.
