Public Library of Science
pone.0262342.g002.tif (889.85 kB)

Distribution of baseline PCT in microbiologic strata.

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posted on 2022-01-13, 18:29 authored by Natalie J. Atallah, Hailey M. Warren, Matthew B. Roberts, Ramy H. Elshaboury, Monique R. Bidell, Ronak G. Gandhi, Meagan Adamsick, Maryam K. Ibrahim, Rupali Sood, Savo Bou Zein Eddine, Matthew J. Cobler-Lichter, Natalie J. Alexander, Kyle D. Timmer, Christine J. Atallah, Adam L. Viens, Vahe S. Panossian, Allison K. Scherer, Teddie Proctor, Sherrie Smartt, Alyssa R. Letourneau, Molly L. Paras, Sascha Johannes, Jan Wiemer, Michael K. Mansour

Blood (Panel A) and sputum (Panel B) cultures were recorded from day 1 through day 2 of hospitalization. Values shown as open circles with horizontal scatter and summarized by box plots, values beyond whiskers additionally represented by filled circles. Distribution of baseline PCT in ordinal scale and microbiologic strata (Panel C). Stacked histogram of baseline PCT according to microbiology (Panel D).
