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Disparate gain and loss of parasitic abilities among nematode lineages - Fig 1

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posted on 2017-09-21, 18:22 authored by Martijn Holterman, Akbar Karegar, Paul Mooijman, Hanny van Megen, Sven van den Elsen, Mariette T. W. Vervoort, Casper W. Quist, Gerrit Karssen, Wilfrida Decraemer, Charles H. Opperman, David M. Bird, Jan Kammenga, Aska Goverse, Geert Smant, Johannes Helder

Pictures of the head (A, C) and the middle regions (B, D) of two relatively basal representatives of the Tylenchida. This speciose nematode order harbours most of the economically high impact plant-parasitic nematode species. Morphometrics of the stylet, an injection-needle like device used to puncture the plant cell wall (A, C), and the lateral field, indentations in the cuticle present in both sides of the nematode (B, D), are used for species identification. For these pictures, standard light microscopy was combined with differential interference contrast (DIC) optics (magnification: 1,000x).
