Public Library of Science
pone.0197732.g002.tif (1.04 MB)

Difference in plasma GSN levels between subjects with extremely high and low BMD.

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posted on 2018-05-22, 17:36 authored by Wen-Yu Wang, Bing Ge, Ju Shi, Xu Zhou, Long-Fei Wu, Chang-Hua Tang, Dong-Cheng Zhu, Hong Zhu, Xing-Bo Mo, Yong-Hong Zhang, Fei-Yan Deng, Shu-Feng Lei

A: Total subjects from the Subgroup1 B: Males from the Subgroup 1 C: Females from the Subgroup 1 D: Females in the Subgroup 2 E: Females in the Subgroup 3 F: Females pooled from the Subgroups 2 and 3. Due to the significant effects of age, BMI and P1NP on BMD, we adopted analysis of covariance to adjust the confounding effects for three Subgroups to compare whether there were statistical differences between high and low subjects. Data was described as mean ± SD.
