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Fig 3.TIF (1.48 MB)

Density histogram and overlaid mixture model plots for the natural log MFI of HeV and CedPV serological responses.

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posted on 2016-06-15, 05:53 authored by A. L. Burroughs, P. A. Durr, V. Boyd, K. Graham, J. R. White, S. Todd, J. Barr, I. Smith, G. Baverstock, J. Meers, G. Crameri, L-F Wang

Upper and lower thresholds were determined to be the intersection points of the three curves and then back-transformed to give the final MFI cut-off point. Thus the lower threshold for the HeV serology was determined as the natural antilog of 5.56 (i.e. e5.56 = 259.7).
