Public Library of Science
pone.0202853.g007.tif (859.66 kB)

De as a function of D0 for each sample.

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posted on 2018-10-10, 20:10 authored by Guillaume Porraz, Aurore Val, Chantal Tribolo, Norbert Mercier, Paloma de la Peña, Magnus M. Haaland, Marina Igreja, Christopher E. Miller, Viola C. Schmid

The central De is calculated while the lowest D0 values are progressively discarded. The grey dots represent the De for each grain as a function of the D0 value of its growth curve. The black dots represent the central De while the grains with the lowest D0 values are progressively discarded. The black line represents the cumulative number of grains (in percent of the total number of grains passing the criteria) that are saturated, as a function of their minimal D0 value.
