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Fig 2.TIF (697.93 kB)

DNA strand exchange promoted by the wild-type HsRecA and EcRecA proteins.

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posted on 2016-07-22, 09:08 authored by Wellington C. Leite, Carolina W. Galvão, Sérgio C. Saab, Jorge Iulek, Rafael M. Etto, Maria B. R. Steffens, Sindhu Chitteni-Pattu, Tyler Stanage, James L. Keck, Michael M. Cox

(A) The three DNA strand exchange containing 10 μM nt M13mp18 cssDNA and 3.5 μM HsRecA or EcRecA, were previously incubated per 20 min at 37°C, and then 3 μM ATP and 1 μM SSB were added and incubated for an additional 10 min. The minutes shown represents the time of reaction after addition of 20 μM nt M13mp18 ldsDNA. (B) The percentage of duplex substrate converted into the nicked circular duplex (NC product) is plotted against the time.
