Public Library of Science
pone.0239399.s001.tif (645.69 kB)

Counting algorithm for gene occurrences in abstracts obtained from PubMed.

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posted on 2020-09-18, 17:40 authored by Hans Christian Stubbe, Christine Dahlke, Katharina Rotheneder, Renate Stirner, Julia Roider, Raffaele Conca, Ulrich Seybold, Johannes Bogner, Marylyn Martina Addo, Rika Draenert

The algorithm uses a list of genes (here sex biased genes as identified by analysis of microarray data) and counts the occurrences of these genes (their names, symbols and respective synonyms) in lists of abstracts. The abstracts were obtained from PubMed. The result is provided as a table of gene occurrences per list of abstracts.

