Public Library of Science
pone.0199867.g007.tif (478.36 kB)

Correlation between thermal and stability parameters of PC liposomes with trapped CF in DMSO/sucrose solutions with the band position of the OH stretching band (νOH) of the protective solutions.

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posted on 2018-07-05, 17:45 authored by Bulat Sydykov, Harriëtte Oldenhof, Harald Sieme, Willem F. Wolkers

In panel A, the onset temperatures of melting for DMSO solutions without supplements (white circles), with 0.5 M sucrose (grey circles) and 1 M sucrose (black circles) are plotted against the positions of νOH. In panel B, leakage rates determined for liposomes frozen with the selected formulations of DMSO and sucrose; S1 (5% DMSO, 1 M sucrose), S2 (10% DMSO, 1 M sucrose), S3 (5% DMSO with 0.5 M sucrose), and S4 (10% DMSO with 0.5 M sucrose) during storage at −25°C are plotted against νOH. νOH was determined at room temperature.
