Public Library of Science
pone.0295529.g002.tif (853.61 kB)

Core SNP phylogeny of 101 Escherichia isolates from brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula), other invasive mammals, birds and environmental samples from the Mākirikiri Reserve, Dannevirke, New Zealand.

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posted on 2024-01-18, 18:29 authored by Marie Moinet, Lynn Rogers, Patrick Biggs, Jonathan Marshall, Richard Muirhead, Megan Devane, Rebecca Stott, Adrian Cookson

Maximum likelihood tree rooted at midpoint of 90 isolates of Escherichia coli and 11 isolates of E. marmotae reconstructed using 343,828 core SNPs (6.82% of average E. coli genome size) with IQTree and edited using the iToL webserver. Isolate metadata is included for gnd Sequence Type (gST), Achtman MLST Sequence Type (ST), uidA gene detection by qPCR (black dot = positive) and isolation source. The tree includes AGR4059 [ref. 34], a gST535 isolated on 12 March 2018 from the same reserve and used as an internal reference sequence in the SNP analysis.
