Public Library of Science
pone.0220130.g003.tif (711.65 kB)

Confocal laser scanning micrographs.

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posted on 2019-08-05, 17:28 authored by Lilian J. Hill, Wladimir C. Paradas, Maria Julia Willemes, Miria G. Pereira, Paulo S. Salomon, Rodrigo Mariath, Rodrigo L. Moura, Georgia C. Atella, Marcos Farina, Gilberto M. Amado-Filho, Leonardo T. Salgado

A—Cells before the acidification assay showed typical intensity of chlorophyll autofluorescence and distribution of neutral lipids (marked with Nile Red in yellow). B—Cells from control samples after 16 days of incubation showed similar pattern of chlorophyll autofluorescence (red) and neutral lipids intensity and distribution, comparing to the T0 samples. C—Cells from acidified samples after 16 days showed low-intensity autofluorescence from the chlorophyll and diffuse and extracellular Nile Red labeling. Red = chlorophyll; Blue = nuclei marked with DAPI; Yellow = Neutral lipids marked with Nile Red. Bars = 5μm.
