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pone.0167801.g005.tif (456.06 kB)

Comparison of circulating MV levels in burns and sepsis patient survivors and non-survivors.

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posted on 2016-12-09, 19:52 authored by Kieran P. O’Dea, John R. Porter, Nikhil Tirlapur, Umar Katbeh, Suveer Singh, Jonathan M. Handy, Masao Takata

Levels of MV subtypes were compared between burns patients that recovered (survivors, n = 10) or died in burns ICU (non-survivors, n = 5) (A) and sepsis patients that recovered (n = 11) or died (n = 4) in the general ICU (B). Data are log-transformed and analyzed by t tests (for burns: leukocyte-, granulocyte- and monocyte-derived MVs; sepsis: leukocyte- and granulocyte-derived MVs; mean ± SD) or Mann-Whitney U tests (for the remainder; median ± interquartile range). Levels of total leukocyte- and granulocyte-derived MVs were higher in burns non-survivors than survivors, **p < 0.01.
