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Comparative genomics of NADs, iNADs, lamina-associated domains (LADs) and inter-LADs (iLADs) uncovers NAD-specific genomic features.

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posted on 2017-06-02, 17:55 authored by Stefan Dillinger, Tobias Straub, Attila Németh

(A) Venn diagrams and Jaccard coefficients show the extent of overlap between NADs and LADs. LAD1: LADs of Tig3 cells [44], LAD2 and LAD3: LADs of IMR90 cells [24,25]. (B) Bar graphs show Gencode v19 and UniProt gene frequencies in NADs (red), iNADs (grey), LADs (black), and iLADs (white) based on UCSC Table Browser data. (C) RefSeq gene (ZNF, OR and DEF indicate zinc finger, olfactory receptor and defensin gene families, respectively) frequencies in NADs, iNADs, LADs, and iLADs. (D) Non-coding RNA gene (‘RNA genes’) and (E) repeat frequencies in NADs, iNADs, LADs, and iLADs. The SINE repeat bars are divided with a horizontal line into MIR (bottom) and Alu (top) sub-groups.
