Public Library of Science
pone.0197011.g006.tif (376.53 kB)

Chromatographic analysis of stored samples.

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posted on 2018-05-10, 17:35 authored by Mingxiang Li, Dennis Lee, Chidi R. Obi, Joel K. Freeberg, Shauna Farr-Jones, Milan T. Tomic

A and B. RP chromatograms of anti-BoNT 9ABE stored at 5°C (blue), 30°C (red) and 50°C (green) for six months. A. stored as liquid, B. stored as lyophilized. Elution order of the peaks was mAb A-c, B-c, E-c, A-b, E-b, A-a, B-a, E-a, and B-b as determined by comparison with retention time of individual mAbs. C and D. WCX chromatograms of anti-BoNT 9ABE samples stored at 5°C (blue), 30°C (red) and 50°C (green) for six months. The main peaks (>20 mAU) are A-b, E-a, A-a, B-c, B-a, A-c, E-b, B-b, and E-c respectively in elution order. C. Stored as liquid. D. Stored lyophilized.
