Public Library of Science
pone.0199605.g001.tif (740.08 kB)

Chord diagram of the net superdomain time flows.

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posted on 2018-06-28, 17:42 authored by Tim Olds, Nicola W. Burton, Judy Sprod, Carol Maher, Katia Ferrar, Wendy J. Brown, Jannique van Uffelen, Dorothea Dumuid

The time around the circumference of the circle represents the total time flux (in and out) for each superdomain. The arrowheads represent the direction of the flow. For example, a total of about 90 min/day flowed in and out of the Chores superdomain. Most flowed in from Work, Transport and Social, but there was a small outflow to Screen Time and Sleep.
