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pgen.1009358.s008.tif (1.18 MB)

Characterisation of skn-1b(tm4241) and SKN-1B:GFP.

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posted on 2021-03-04, 18:28 authored by Nikolaos Tataridas-Pallas, Maximillian A. Thompson, Alexander Howard, Ian Brown, Marina Ezcurra, Ziyun Wu, Isabel Goncalves Silva, Christopher D. Saunter, Timo Kuerten, David Weinkove, T. Keith Blackwell, Jennifer M. A. Tullet

A) Expression levels of skn-1 isoforms in WT and skn-1b(tm4241) determined by Q-PCR. Combined data from 6 biological replicates shown. Error bars show st. dev. Two-tailed t-test compared to WT control *p<0.05, **p< 0.001, ***p<0.0001, NS not significant. B-D) Brood size of WT and skn-1b mutants at three different temperatures. skn-1b mutants are fully fertile, so can be maintained as homozygotes. Combined data from 3 biological replicates shown, n>30 worms per group. Error bars show st. dev. Two-tailed t-test *p<0.05, **p< 0.001, ***p<0.0001, NS not significant. E) Age-specific fecundity in WT and skn-1b mutants. F) Expression pattern of the Scarlet::SKN-1B reporter in day 1 adults under fed conditions shows SKN-1B in ASI neurons. Our lab also generated an endogenous NeonGreen::SKN-1C reporter but cannot detect expression of SKN-1C in neurons (available on request). No significant differences were observed using a two-tailed t-test on any day between genotypes. G-J) SKN-1B::GFP is expressed differentially during growth and in additional neurons in response to bacterial deprivation. H) SKN-1B::GFP observed in additional neurons in response to fasting. I) Quantification of the number of visible neurons in SKN-1B::GFP expressing worms in response to fasting. A total of 52 fed and 64 fasted worms were examined. J) DiI staining confirms SKN-1B::GFP in the ASI neurons and identified two of these additional neurons (counted in S3I Fig) as being the ADLs. Recently, others have identified SKN-1B in AIY neurons as a regulator of chemosensory processes and behaviour, showing that animals lacking the skn-1a, c and b do not chemotax towards NaCl, butanone or temperature, or move towards thicker bacterial lawns (as a WT worms would) [57]. We tested our skn-1b specific mutant in a NaCl chemotaxis assay and got similar results but have no evidence that SKN-1B is endogenously expressed in the AIYs in fed conditions. It is possible that SKN-1B signals from the ASI—AIY neurons to mediate this response or that some SKN-1B::GFP expressing neurons in fasted conditions are AIYs. As the no-food conditions in NaCl chemotaxis assays is sufficient to induce SKN-1B expression in these cells, this could mediate the effects.

