Public Library of Science
pone.0197204.g002.tif (245.41 kB)

Changes in radiographic and morphometric variables in the PRP-collagen treated stifle over time.

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posted on 2018-06-19, 20:03 authored by Susannah J. Sample, Molly A. Racette, Eric C. Hans, Nicola J. Volstad, Susan L. Schaefer, Jason A. Bleedorn, Jeffrey P. Little, Kenneth R. Waller III, Zhengling Hao, Walter F. Block, Peter Muir

(A,B) Radiographic effusion and OA did not significantly differ between study time points. (C) CrCLD significantly increased from both the time of diagnosis and the 10-week recheck to the 12-month recheck. Abbreviations: PRP, platelet rich plasma; CrCLD, radiographic length of the CrCL normalized to patellar length; OA, osteoarthritis. n = 19 dogs.
