Public Library of Science
pone.0224876.g003.tif (200.06 kB)

CUMS exposed did not alter pup retrieval responses in Shank3ex4-9 mutant dams.

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posted on 2019-11-08, 18:25 authored by Bibiana K. Y. Wong, Jaclyn B. Murry, Rajesh Ramakrishnan, Fang He, Alfred Balasa, Gary R. Stinnett, Steen E. Pedersen, Robia G. Pautler, Ignatia B. Van den Veyver

(A): Total time dams spent handling pups. (B): Latency for dams to hover over pups in the nest. (C, D, E): Latency for dams to retrieve their 1st, 2nd, and 3rd pups, respectively, and return them to the nest. CUMS exposure and genotypes did not affect any of the pup retrieval parameters. WT: Wildtype; HET: Heterozygous; HOM: Homozygous. N = Control (11 WT, 8 HET, and 8 HOM) and CUMS (12 WT, 6 HET, and 8 HOM). Individual data points are represented by diamonds.
