Public Library of Science
pone.0200855.g001.tif (856.79 kB)

CA9 levels in HCC patients.

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posted on 2018-07-16, 17:42 authored by Fabian Finkelmeier, Özge Canli, Kai-Henrik Peiffer, Dirk Walter, Andrea Tal, Christine Koch, Ursula Pession, Johannes Vermehren, Jörg Trojan, Stefan Zeuzem, Albrecht Piiper, Florian R. Greten, Georgios Grammatikos, Oliver Waidmann

A CA9 levels in healthy patients, patients with cirrhosis only and patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. B CA9 levels in different stages of Child Pugh in HCC patients. C CA9 levels in different stages of HCC according to BCLC. D CA9 levels in different stages of HCC according to ALBI score. (*, P<0.01). Vertical lines indicate the range, the horizontal boundaries of the boxes represent the first and third quartile.
